Credit Reports

Your credit report contains information about your income, debts, and credit payment history. It also shows whether you have been sued, arrested, or have filed for bankruptcy.

Your credit history is what credit grantors, landlords, employers, and insurance companies use to determine your credit worthiness. The better credit you have, the better interest rates you’ll secure on loans. So, it’s in your best interest to make sure the information contained in your report provides an accurate picture of your financial history.

To sum up, credit reports are used to determine if you:

  • Qualify for a loan
  • Will get a credit card
  • Can repay a home mortgage

    Potential employers can even use your credit score to determine if you’re a good candidate for the job! After all, employers want to hire people who are responsible and can meet deadlines.

    With all the importance placed on a credit report, you should know: